Children's Museum Update


Children's Museum Update
It's been an adventurous year and a half since the new CMEC facility! We want to provide an update to you, our investors and supporters, to see your contributions in action. Since opening in January 2023, we've welcomed over 160,000 visitors, hosted thousands of studens on field trips, and served hundred more through our free summer programs, made possible by our partnership with the Eau Claire Area School District.  Our building also continues to receive international recognitions, with a new article being written for the publishing arm of the Royal Institute of British Architects.

While having a significant community impact, CMEC experienced some financial struggles in the first year, as we began operations in the new building.  Like any good business plan, adaptations need to be made.  One major change was transitioning daycare operations from CMEC to Peach Tree in the Fall of 2023.  Peace Tree now leases the space and is running the daycare independently.  The program continues to serve over 50 students in the prgroam each day, meeting an important childcare need.  In November 2023, CEO Michael McHorney resigned, and Mike Lee stepped in as interim CEO.  Mike was officially named CEO in March 2024.  Since last Fall, we've adjusted staffing to be even more efficient, expanded family and grandparent membership benefits, upgraded several exhibit spaces, and enhanced the focus on even more programs and events that help us advance the CMEC mission to impact children's learning and development through play.
We’re very excited to report that these changes have been effective. CMEC has received very positive feedback from our guests about their experiences. From a financial standpoint, CMEC has a net positive on operations for both the first and second quarters of 2024. While we still have work to eliminate our capital debt, we’re grateful to be able to show that CMEC’s operating model works. For more on how you can help CMEC eliminate its capital debt and live its mission, see our capital campaign update page. We are excited for the upcoming weeks and months ahead and look forward to continuing our partnership with each of you. Please feel free to contact Mike( if you would like a museum tour to see the updates for yourself and learn more about what’s ahead! Thank you for your support as we inspire learning through play.

You may have noticed several changes throughout the museum in the past several months.
Some of the highlights include:
· Addition of the Sun & Universe and Mars Exhibit (2nd Floor)
· Nano Exhibit (Lobby)
· Expansion of the Makery
· Addition of several activity tables
· Snacks Now Available

Sneak preview of updates in the Works:
· Creation of a LEGO-themed exhibit
· Exciting updates to the Food Truck
· Addition of new musical instruments (outside)

It's Summer and the Children's Museum's big bold new facility is booming with new activity and new learning, thanks to the investments of our loyal donors.  All of the programs, all of the possibilities, would not be in place, if it weren't for passionate, visionary donor investors who are supporting the new CMEC facility.  Five years into the $15 million capital campaign, the total raised is nearing the $8 million mark.  An impressive total for certain.

Play is vital to the growth and development of children. And CMEC exists to inspire learning through play. Thanks to the new facility, more children than ever can experience the greater variety of ever-changing hands-on exhibits, and expand even more aspects of their development, which is so essential in the critical early years. Even better, CMEC promotes interaction of family members, with children of different ages and their adult caregivers actively engaging in exhibits together. CMEC believes all children deserve to be inspired through play and acknowledges that finances can be a barrier to impactful opportunities. That is why the Play For All program exists, reducing and waiving fees so all children and their families can access opportunities and experiences.

The goal of the capital campaign is to raise the additional $7+ million over the next five years.  It's gifts and commitments of all sizes to get us this far, and gifts of all sizes will get us to the finish line.  Please take a look at the capital campaign information and respond in whatever way you can.  Wheather you can give, or advocate for a gift form an employer, Foundation, or other philanthropic organization, all actions together will help us achieve the goal for a strong and sustainable Children's Museum for generations to come.

Please note our new hours at the museum!
Member Hours: 8 AM - 9 AM
Public Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM

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