Governor Evers approves WIS 29 bridge replacement project


Governor Evers approves WIS 29 bridge replacement project

Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2025

For more information, contact:

Christena T. O’Brien
WisDOT Northwest Region Communications Manager
(715) 828-9471,

Governor Evers approves WIS 29 bridge replacement project

Virtual stakeholder meeting set for March 5 to share details about the project replacing the 50th Avenue structure, rebuilding the 50th Avenue/County J intersection

To invest in Wisconsin’s transportation system, Gov. Tony Evers has signed a $5.26 million contract with prime contractor Haas Sons, Inc. of Thorp for the replacement of the bridge carrying 50th Avenue over WIS 29 and the reconstruction of the 50th Avenue/County J intersection, all in the Chippewa County town of Lafayette.

Construction is scheduled to start on the bridge replacement project on Monday, March 10, with work beginning on the intersection on Monday, March 17.

A virtual stakeholder meeting, hosted by Haas construction staff, is planned for 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 5 to go over the scope of work, schedule and traffic impacts. Participants can join by:

Meeting ID: 294 425 029 011
Passcode: xs7Wq3mC

Phone: (608) 571-2209
Conference ID: 671 367 529#

Built in 1966, the bridge has reached the end of its service life. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation project will include:

- Removing and replacing the bridge
       - The project will increase the vertical clearance of the bridge over the highway.

- Building retaining walls along east- and westbound WIS 29 at the abutments

- Replacing the roadway approach pavement and the pavement on the interchange ramps

- Replacing culverts, guardrail and pavement markings

The County J/50th Avenue intersection project, sponsored by Chippewa County and the town of Lafayette, will include:

- Constructing a single-lane roundabout at 50th Avenue and County J

- Completing approach work on all legs leading into the roundabout

- Increasing the roadway profile an average of three feet to accommodate the profile rise of the new bridge

- Replacing storm sewer

The projects are being coordinated and constructed at the same time.

During bridge replacement:

- WIS 29 will remain open to traffic for most work, but removal of the bridge deck, girders and part of the shoulder piers on the existing structure and setting of girders on the new bridge will result in full closure of the highway between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. for a maximum of four nights for each operation. During these closures, traffic will be detoured via County J and County X.

- The WIS 29/50th Avenue interchange will be closed. This includes the eastbound WIS 29 exit and westbound WIS 29 entrance ramps.

       - Traffic will be detoured via County J and County X.

- In addition, 50th Avenue will be closed between 160th  and 171st streets.

       - Traffic will be detoured using 160th Street, 40th Avenue, County J and County X.

- Access to local residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.

The County J and 50th Avenue intersection will remain open through construction using temporary pavement and flagging to direct motorists through the work zone.

Construction is scheduled for completion in early September.

For more information regarding traffic impacts, transportation news and improvement project updates in Wisconsin’s Northwest Region:

·         Follow us on Twitter: @WisDOTnorthwest

·         Visit the region’s 511 website:  

·         Visit the project’s construction website:

Motorists are reminded that using handheld cell phones in Wisconsin work zones is illegal. Alerts and updates provided via these sites are not intended for use while driving. When driving, your focus should always be on driving.

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