
EAU CLAIRE, WI - 8/30/24 —The Grief Services Research Project has launched in the Chippewa Valley. The project will identify existing grief and related holistic healing services, gaps in those services, and potential solutions to better address the needs of those working through grief. The public is being invited to participate to inform the study's results.

The year-long research project includes a broad-based community opinion survey launching in October, an informational survey of volunteer and professional providers, small group gatherings, and personal interviews. To launch the study, an informational meeting with donors to HSHS funds was held on the evening of August 29. A website is now available, providing
information on the project and its activities, including opportunities to contribute to the study.

Members of the public, grief support service providers, and others interested in participating in the study are invited to visit the project website to subscribe to updates, including a community survey: http://www.griefservicesproject.com.

AMK Nonprofit Coaching, LLC, owned and operated by Ann Kaiser of Eau Claire, is conducting the year-long study and partnering with several local resources to ensure wide reach and a comprehensive analysis.

“Many professional and volunteer providers are doing incredible work to address a critical need in our area. My vision is that this study can look into the nature of the services currently provided, their approach and sustainability, and then identify gaps and possible options to meet these needs,” states Kaiser. “This is a tremendous opportunity for our community to examine the needs for grief and related holistic healing support services and then find solutions that can provide significant and long lasting impact on the health and well-being of our community.”

Kaiser welcomes the community's help in creating awareness of the research project, encouraging participation, and being available to speak to community groups.

For purposes of this study, grief includes not only the bereavement of the death of a loved one but other losses such as employment or health. The results of the study will be presented to HSHS in May 2025 to help inform their approach to the use of the $4.8 million funds.

In June 2024, a letter was sent by Hospital Sisters Health System to inform donors to Sacred Heart and St. Joseph’s Foundations of the intentions of Hospital Sisters of St. Francis Foundation to distribute funds locally. These plans include the intent to distribute $4.8 million to the Eau Claire Community Foundation, which has been held between the Monsignor Klimek Healing Presence Endowment, Healing Place Endowment, and Healing Place Fund. Hospital Sisters of St. Francis Foundation indicated their plans to transfer these funds to ensure an appropriate structure around them to be used effectively for their intended purpose. Because the Healing Place as a department of the former HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital no longer exists, HSHS sought an independent contractor to gather information to help them determine how to restrict or designate future fund spending. AMK Nonprofit Coaching, LLC, has been engaged in conducting this study.

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