March Monthly Recap


March Monthly Recap
Spring is around the corner and we are looking forward to many exciting things ahead...but first, let's reflect on the exciting moments of March! We welcomed new members, hosted Coffee & Commerce & Business After Hours (depsite the snow), and held a member favorite - our annual Women to Women Luncheon. Thank you all for a successful March that seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye!

New Members!



    Wheaton Family Restaurant



    Eau Claire

Ribbon Cuttings

Wheaton Family Restaurant


Coffee & Commerce

Thank you to Nilssen's Caribou Coffee for hosting our March Coffee & Commerce and to Pillar Bank for sponsoring!
Coffee & Commerce continues to grow in size and we love to see all our members networking and starting their Fridays off with connection and great coffee. 

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The topic for School2Skills in March was Culinary & Hospitality. Chippewa Falls Middle School students had a tour of CVTC Culinary program and observed lunch preparation, then headed to Staybridge Suites to learn about the hospitality industry and tour their location. Thank you to CVTC and Staybridge Suites for partnering with our School2Skills program to offer students the opportunity to learn about industries and career paths in our local communities. 

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Leadership Chippewa Falls

Education was this month's Leadership Chippewa Falls topic that offered participants the opportunity to hear from professionals and educators with Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District, McDonell Area Catholic Schools, and Chippewa Valley Technical College. This session was aimed to provide Leadership participants an overview of the K-12 school systems and post-secondary options in the Chippewa Falls area and the support services within those systems. Roundtable discussions focused on academic and career planning, current issues, funding, and post-secondary education opportunities in our area.

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Business After Hours

Our March Business After Hours brought a large group to the Chippewa River Distillery for a night of networking, connection, and wonderful food and beverages! A huge thank you goes out to our host, Chippewa River Distillery, and co-sponsors, Toppers Pizza and Citizens State Bank. Together, they put together a wonderful event with unique pizza, cocktails and distillery-inspired desserts. We love seeing our members each month at BAH!

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Women to Women Luncheon

Cultivating Growth was this year's theme for our annual Women to Women Luncheon, hosted by The View. The event included a panel of speakers including 3 women professionals, each from different industries and stages in their careers, networking opportunities, and lunch. Thank you to our event sponsors, Wipfli, WESTconsin Credit Union, Trust Point, Festival Foods, Royal Credit Union, and Dove Healthcare - Regional Vent Center for helping provide this opportuity to our women professionals in the Chippewa Valley. We could not have had a successful event without our panelists and thank them for sharing their stories and inspirational advice: Carla Cooper with The Zaniya Center, Carrie Mathwig with Chippewa Falls YMCA, and Johna Stern with Collective Charm. This member favorite event sells out each year and we can't wait for next year's gathering!

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